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Short Stack
Paranormal Fantasy
Publication:  April 15, 2024

Ezra is an actor leaving the limelight in order to raise his son alone in his Vermont hometown. Everything seems to be going okay until he meets his childhood bully, an omega named Algernon. He then begins to feel nervous that Algernon may become some sort of danger to him and his son. Yet, things take a very different turn when the two meet at a bar and take out their frustrations in a bathroom. After that, the relationship becomes something entirely different.

Algernon is a general nobody omega in his Vermont hometown, working in a department store in the mall. Once a hellion, he has calmed down considerably and matured. He finds a lost child in his store and helps to find his father, only to find out said father is Ezra Murphy, a successful actor and his former victim, except now he's grown and hot. Despite the attraction, Algernon still has negative feelings towards him. After enticing him in a bar bathroom, the two start to actually talk, forming the very beginnings of some form of relationship, though, to Algernon, it's a sex-only relationship. However, this former bully starts to wonder if maybe he would like more from Ezra.


*Contains M/M Omegaverse, Shifters, MPreg, and Sexual Content

Love is in the Airwaves
Paranormal Fantasy
Publication:  May 2, 2024



Viktor Muldoon is the junior head of an entertainment network that deals both in radio and television. Viktor runs the television side of things. He’s also a WWII vet with physical and mental scars from his time overseas. Once a playboy, he struggles to find any meaningful relationships or even satisfying one night stands until he meets his favorite actor, Glen. Immediately smitten, Viktor wants to woo Glen and make him his. However, Glen doesn’t respond the same way that other omegas have responded to him in the past. There’s something about Glen, and if Viktor wants to win him, he’ll have to learn to accept Glen’s quirks.


Glen Klauss is a radio star working for the M.E.N. network, voicing several rolls on different shows, as well as being the lead in his own show. Glen, though he doesn’t know it, is an aromantic asexual and trying to figure out why he’s so different from all of the other omegas that he meets. Uninterested in relationships or sex, he believes he’ll never be able to find a mate. However, when he meets Viktor, he’s surprised how insistent the alpha is to woo him, despite his warnings that he’s not like the typical omega. Still, the two attempt a relationship, which eventually leads to Glen becoming pregnant.


Now Viktor and Glen have to navigate a marriage, a pregnancy, and Glen’s asexuality.


*Contains M/M Omegaverse, Shifters, MPreg, and Sexual Content

The only way to become an artist/author/creator is to simply start. You may be bad at it at first, maybe even for a while. However, every attempt brings you closer to the tools internally and externally that you need to become great in your own right. Nobody ever starts off great. Talent is nurtured. As long as a person is willing to try, to experiment, to learn, and to practice, they will always have the potential to be the person they want to be.


-Ravyn Karasu

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