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Ravyn Reads

Ravyn Reads is a YouTube segment that I host on my channel. It's a place where I read my own works and, when I'm out of material, the works of other authors. Every video starts with an informative introduction to get you familiar with the setup. Then there is a cover video where I discuss a little about the story and the cover. Then, each video in the playlist is one chapter in the book being read. At the end of a book, I'll do a Q & A video, in which listeners and readers can ask questions about the book.


As for books that are not mine, there is a method. I normally ask authors ahead of time if I am allowed to read certain books. Otherwise, I may read something in Public Domain.

Would You Like to be on the Show?

When I am out of my own material to read, I have what I call my Dry Spell Queue. These are books that I've gotten permission to read, are Public Domain, or requested by other authors. So, if you are an author and would like for me to read your book on my show, there are a few things you'll need to do.


- Have a book published

- The story must be YOURS.

- Have a GoodReads Page for that book

- Provide a link to where the book can be purchased.

- It must be Fiction.

- You need to give me a blurb and tell me the genre of the story.

-You will need to provide a copy of the story.

- If you have anything you'd like to share about the book, the cover, the process, etc, feel free to tell me so that I can add that information.

- If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

- When you submit your request, please make your subject clear.


Please keep in mind that the order of the reading is first come, which means that the order I receive the books/permission, that will be the order in which they'll appear in the queue.

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