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Embri Timeline

Due to the fact that The Revenants of Embri is told in no particular order and is more of a connected anthology in the world rather than a linear story. So, though it's not particularly necessary, I wanted to offer a timeline to show where each story shows up in the Embrian timeline. What happens first and so forth. I won't supply dates, but I will try to put the stories in a linear order for anyone interested. Some of these will be found in the Revenant Tales collection and some will be novel in the main story, and so forth. Keep in mind also that some of these stories can be years apart from each other or can occur simultaneously.  The first book in this line is the oldest one in the current published timeline and the last would be the most current.


I will try to include an e-book link to each cover. So, you can collect them all, or you're free to go to the other series links to receive paperback copies if you'd prefer.  So, please enjoy.

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