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Hope Dandelion has no friends and virtually no family. On top of that, Hell has decided it wants her as a princess. Praying for someone to care, God sends Vladimir, a fallen seraph to the child as a protector. Why does Hell want Hope so badly? Why would God send a fallen angel to look after a child? What demons will Hope face in the battle of Heaven and Hell where she is the prize?
Warning: This series contains sensitive themes such as religion and sexuality. There may also be some disturbing themes.

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Meet the Characters

1. Guardian Angel

Paranormal Fantasy


Published: November 16, 2021

Lucifer has taken a liking to a wholesome child named Hope. Wanting to make her a princess of Hell, he sends demons to try and lure her into his grasp. However, God sends a fallen seraph to look after the child and the battle the demons that Lucifer sends forth. The problem is, the angel is just as dangerous as the devil. Now Hope has to test her faith and figure out how to navigate the forces of Heaven and Hell when they don't seem to be so different anymore.

2. The Disobedient Child

Paranormal Fantasy


Published: April 19, 2023

After an incident with a demon, Heaven and Hell are brought together to decide if Hope needs further supervision and protection from her fallen seraph, Vladimir. Will Stolas, a Hell prince be instated as her second guardian?

Hope is surprised to suddenly become a person of interest to her classmate, Nina. It seems as though there might be a tense friendship forming. However, there is something strange about Nina aside from her sudden interest. She's acting very much unlike herself. Disobedient, even, and it looks like she may be trying to be an influence on Hope.

3. Sweet Little Lies

Paranormal Fantasy


Published: January 17, 2024

Easter is right around the corner. Hope and the children of her church are putting on a play. She is surprised to find that she lands the leading role of Marigold the lamb. The demon of lies tries to befriend Hope only to find that she’s not so easily swayed to her ways. Meanwhile, Lucifer is having traumatic memories about this time of year.


Vladimir, surprisingly may not be able to help Hope when the demon of lies gets her ejected from the production, even with Stolas’ and the doves’ help. This might require a helping hand from Lucifer himself…and maybe even God.

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