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Individual Books

Below are individual books that I have published. They will appear in the order of their publication. If you would like to see more, check out my Collections and Series by using the links to the left. All information will be provided.

Akhetaten's Gates

Spiritual Adventure, Historical Fiction, Romance

Publication: October 8, 2008

Nefertiti always believed that she was destined to be a nobody, and living in her sister's shadow. All of that changed when she was pulled from death by a mysterious entity and placed in a "modern" world to prepare for her destiny.


Five years later, Nefertiti is returned to the land of ancient Egypt and comes face to face with a misfit prince named Amenhotep IV. Together, they form a love and bond that endures throughout spiritual adventures, political mishaps, and outrageous acts of blasphemy. Follow this semi-whimsical tale of a love that lasts throughout all hardships and throughout the tests of time.


The Taming of Coyote

Dark Fantasy

Publication: October 30, 2014

What would you think if everyone told you that coyotes were like the boogeyman? For Sonya, that is a claim she has heard her entire life. Her village of Tyrn is said to be cursed by an angry forest spirit that uses coyotes to exact its revenge. For as long as she could remember, coyotes have been seen as deadly demons, but the free-spirited child had barely ever even seen one during her playful days in the woods, let alone in the village.



This all changed one day when a coyote made an appearance on her farm. From that moment, Sonya finds herself thrown into controversy that eventually leads to her coming face to face with the very devil her village has feared for so long. What he tells her, though, will change everything that Sonya has ever known and believed about the village of Tyrn.



Dark Fantasy, Historical Fiction

Publication: November  12, 2014

Scotland, 1897. Displaced and melancholy vampire, Gavin MacIntyre has had an emotional attachment to the St. Raphael's Children's Home & Hospital for decades. Every year, the children there receive personalized poinsettias to show them care and give them hope. So, it's quite a shock to Gavin when he learns that not only did the children not receive their poinsettias, but the hospital is going bankrupt all together.


With the help of his loyal servant and a brave little girl, Gavin is exposed to the mysterious intrigue of the hospital's missing money. He is determined to find the cause and put a stop to it before the children of St. Raphael's end up with no place to go and no one to care for them. This is surely to be a Christmas that none of them will forget.


The Midnight Selkie

Teen Fantasy

Publication: December 11, 2014

There have been seals on Merrow Rock for as long as anyone could remember. What few people seem to know is that there are a whole more to those seals than meets the eye.


Rawly had a fear of the water after an accident seven years ago, but he was determined to face it. While doing so, he meets an eccentric lighthouse keeper named Admiral Nye Porter. He also comes upon six selkies in a marine biology lab, without their sealskins and unable to swim. Now Rawly has to find a way to save the selkies and help them find their sealskins. Without them, they’ll be stuck on land, unable to return to the sea or Merrow Rock.



Science Fiction

Publication: May 12, 2020

Secure. Contain. Protect.


The SCP Foundation strives to contain, study, understand, and if necessary, neutralize the world’s anomalies, be they creatures, people, objects, places, or concepts.


Collin Dillard was a homeless, misshapen nobody when he was procured by the SCP Foundation. His days seemed numbered until he encountered one particular anomaly known as SCP-096. One fateful meeting would be the beginning of something new and life-changing for the both of them.



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