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While I am the creator of the world of Embri and the ultimate final voice on the series, I do work with other people in regards to creating the world and expanding upon the lore. As such, the involvement of these others are in a variety of capacities. These involvements will also be addressed in the titles in which they occur. To be forward, I am sharing the creative process with author Seraphina Fae, who will be creating some of the novels and will be credited duly.


This series has a Facebook page.


More links to extra information and maps will eventually become available.


This series is a collection of stories involving Revenants (living skeletons, in this case) and the world they live in. Embri is a world similar to our own Earth. It has several cultures, continents, countries, complicated histories. It's a little more fanciful than our world.


The novels are not in any order. They are not released in a linear timeline. They are ideas released as per when the idea comes to mind. However do not fret! While the novels on this page will be posted in the order of publication, there will be companion page in which the book/stories will be placed in a linear order, if that's how you'd prefer to experience them (or to answer timeline questions).


While each story can be part of a larger experience of the Revenants and Embri, they can also be enjoyed alone and individually.

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